
There are many reasons you can experience a sudden loss of income. Sometimes there are foreseen circumstances that can lead to reduced hours at your job, such as needing to work less to support the birth of a new child.

在本文中, we will be covering three different circumstances where you may be experiencing a loss of income. For each circumstance, we will outline income options that might be helpful in your time of need.


  1. 工时减少导致的收入损失
  2. 失业造成的收入损失
  3. 不符合失业资格

以COVID-19为例, California Coast recognizes that the outbreak brought unforeseen financial hardship to many. Whether related to the pandemic or not, our hearts go out to those affected. We hope the following tips and resources will assist those who are navigating their way through financial troubles and help with the exploration of other income options.

1. 工时减少导致的收入损失

You may find yourself with reduced income or loss of income for a variety of reasons. 在COVID-19大流行的情况下, companies closed their doors to protect their employees and their communities from an outbreak.

If you are still working but getting fewer hours, f国税局t take a look at your paystub. 你能做出什么改变?

  • 你能把你的预扣税改成免税吗?
  • Can you cash out a portion or all of your vacation hours or sick leave?


You may be able to suspend your 401k contributions temporarily. If you have a 401k loan, you may be able to defer your payments.

You also may be able to withdraw from your 401k without penalty if you meet certain criteria. 以COVID-19为例, 这些标准包括被隔离, 被解雇, 时间减少了, 被迫休假, 照顾孩子的变化, or if you or spouse has been diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus. 读了 国税局.政府 文章 困难,提前提款和贷款 to find more information on certain events that qualify you for a withdrawal without penalty.


用来支付额外的医疗费用. As in the case of the pandemic, FSAs may have different rules that expand authorized expenses to include over-the-counter medicines such as Tylenol, Aleve, cough medicines, and pain relief.


你的人寿保险的保额是多少? 你能通过外部公司少花钱多办事吗?


If you are paying for anything extra, ask yourself if you can suspend or cancel those services. 一点一滴都很重要.

2. 失业造成的收入损失

如果你被解雇了,让我们来看看失业. You’ll want to make sure you meet all the eligibility requirements when applying and certifying for benefits.

In order to apply for unemployment in the state of California, you must:

  • 基期内是否已赚取足够的工资.
  • 完全或部分失业.
  • 不是因为你自己的过错而失业.
  • 身体能够工作.
  • 能上班.
  • 准备好并愿意立即接受工作.

更多关于 California’s unemployment eligibility requirements can be found here. Typically, the rules state that you must be unemployed through no fault of your own. 然而, you may be able to prove that you had good cause for quitting with the approval of your employer.

In some rare cases, unemployment requirements may change altogether. 例如, the eligibility requirements changed during the COVID-19 pandemic so that you could apply even if you were:

  • 自由职业者
  • 寻找兼职工作
  • 以前没有足够的工作经历来获得资格.


  • 您或您的家人被诊断患有COVID-19.
  • You provide care for sick person or for your child for whom school was closed.
  • 你被隔离了.
  • You are unable to reach your job or your job was closed due to COVID-19.
  • 赚取主要收入的配偶死于COVID-19.

It is important to consider all of your income options, including unemployment. Keep up-to--date on the rules and requirements for benefits like unemployment, since they may have changed due to extenuating circumstance. You may qualify for benefits when you otherwise would not have.

3. 不符合失业资格

If you do not have a job and do not qualify for unemployment benefits, 也许还有其他的收入选择供你探索. Companies often increase staffing to support increased workload when demand is high due to certain circumstances.

Some alternative income options you might want to explore are:

  • 杂货店和开放的商店,如塔吉特和沃尔玛
  • 药店,如沃尔格林和CVS
  • 亚马逊和其他在线购物商店,如Instacart
  • 教师校外活动
  • Zoom和其他在线社交连接公司

社区里的机会也在增加. 你能帮助老年人购物吗? 提供家居清洁服务.

If you search for options, you may find something that will help get you through this rough patch. 需要更多的指导? 加州海岸认证金融教练 are always here to offer members one-on-one financial support and advice. 你也可以访问我们的 财经贴士博客 for more advice on budgeting, financial planning, and more.

DISCLAIMER: The tips provided are for informational purposes only and in no way should be relied upon for financial, 税, 或法律建议. 以上资料如有更改,恕不另行通知. 加州海岸信用社 encourages you to do your own due diligence when making decisions regarding your financial management.


